Callender, C. and Thompson, J. (2018) The lost part-timers-The decline of part-time undergraduate higher education in England, London: Sutton Trust Part-time undergraduate study has an important role both in widening participation and in developing skills. Since 2010, the number of part-time undergraduate entrants living in England attending UK universities and English further education colleges has fallen annually. By 2015, the numbers nationally had decreased by 51%, by 63% at the Open University, and by 45% at other UK universities and FE colleges. These numbers continue to fall. This report focuses on the role of the 2012 reforms of student funding, which abolished means-tested fee and course grants, introduced fee loans and reduced teaching grants leading to big increases in tuition fees. Available here
MillionPlus (2018) The Forgotten Learners: Building a system that works for mature students, London: MillionPlus This report highlights the importance of undergraduate mature students in higher education institutions across the United Kingdom, with particular reference to modern universities. Available here
Pritchard, L. and Roberts, L. (2006) The Mature Student’s Guide to Higher Education, Maidenhead: Open University Press The Mature Student’s Guide to Higher Education is a practical guide for the returning student but it is a useful manual for staff responsible for the transition of mature students into higher education. It discusses a wide range of issues including what higher education involves, how you should prepare for it and how to balance your time and cheque book once you get there.
Radford, A.W. (2009) Military Service: Members and Veterans in Higher Education: What the New GI Bill May Mean for Postsecondary Institutions, Washington: American Council on Education This report discusses the services needed to support the enrolment choices of returning veterans and military personnel as a result of the GI Bill. It will aid higher education administrators. Available here
Richardson, J.T.E (1995) Mature Students in Higher Education: II. An investigation of approaches to studying and academic performance, Studies in Higher Education, 20(1), UK: Brunel University This paper looks at the academic ability and perseverance of mature students. Available here